Grandma’s meat dishes travel through time to the present
Rustic charm is undergoing a revival on the plate – as a schnitzel or a steak, minced meat, or as a traditional knuckle. Sometimes the palate longs for authentic and traditional food from our childhood. Regional recipes, home-made charm and meat of the highest quality play an important role. With a more modern side dish, the whole thing has a personal touch – bringing your guests gently into the present!

Schnitzels and cordon bleu / Classics / Minced-meat productstsSALOMON product safety is something you can rely on with any of our meat specialities – it is the same standard we also demand from our selected suppliers. Therefore, we can guarantee that pure taste and the best quality is served on your plates. Additionally, we guarantee that preparation is reliable and uncomplicated. So, be inspired by our interpretations!
SCHNITZELS & CLASSICS – Breaded variety
What’s the must-have on any meat menu? Schnitzels! The potential of this evergreen favourite is enormous: as a one-course meal or as a takeaway snack, made of pork or chicken, and covered with various bread coatings according to different recipes. Time to discover this traditional German treasure!

Fire Roasted Chik'n® Steak
Delicious BBQ: juicy, flame-tanned chicken breast fillet in a slightly hot marinade. Characteristic grill marks and a delicious roasty flavour indulge the senses.
- Grilled on open fire
- Premium meat quality (5 D origin)
- Cut by hand
CLASSICS - Hearty selection
Feast to your heart’s content: cutlets, steaks and knuckles are delightful and exquisite cuts of meat. They can be breaded, partially seasoned or simply cooked on their own – they are always hearty and juicy. Discover this class of its own!

Fire Roasted Chik'n® Steak
Delicious BBQ: juicy, flame-tanned chicken breast fillet in a slightly hot marinade. Characteristic grill marks and a delicious roasty flavour indulge the senses.
- Grilled on open fire
- Premium meat quality (5 D origin)
- Cut by hand

The master of metamorphosis among other meat products: minced meat is an all-rounder since it can be used in a lot of different recipes.

HIT Unsere Beste Frikadelle
Looks like handmade, tastes like handmade: juicy, tender meatball made of pork, with a hearty seasoning and a brown tan. Fully fried and specially refined with fresh spring onions.
- 100 % pork
- Tender consistency
- Long-lasting freshness, perfect cold dish