Food meets service - Culinary art from professionals for professionals

Food service – what exactly is that? We know the answer, since Food and Service are our areas of expertise!

Sure, the term has got something to do with food – food from a professional source! Food service companies create and sell food products and food-related services which are particularly thought out and made for the gastronomy and for the wholesale trade. But there is so much more potential in it!

Our own corporate definition

We at SALOMON FoodWorld® have been coining and leading the food service market with our ideas, recipes, and innovations for more than 40 years now. Our definition of Food Service exceeds the definition of others by far – because we know your daily business very well!

Tailored concepts of success

Thanks to our “Foodservice Monitor“ trend tool and our discernment for new tendencies and developments, we provide our customers with a lot more than just “food“: We know what it takes to perform well as a restaurateur. We know what your guests expect from you. We know what the market of tomorrow needs to offer. Our portfolio is tailor-made to meet these challenges, and it is updated regularly. In addition: 1001 ideas what to do with it are included!

Hot hints & cool ideas

THIS is our definition of “service“: World of taste

With know-how and passion

Our expertise and our understanding of the market are the basic ingredients for all our food service products. And as we always add quite some passion, gourmet delight, and innovative spirit to our recipes, our products well stand out against other products and fire your guests with enthusiasm. That´s the way how we bring Food and Service together to form a distinctive feeling and a product range which is beneficial to both the guest and the restaurateur!


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