– while remaining loyal to themselves
Knödel, Kraut, and Knackwurst – the traditional German cuisine has often been known for its hearty and nourishing range. However, this regional treasure of recipes – reviewed and adapted – also offers a completely new appeal to modern diet concepts: Back to the roots, but coming with new spin, makes the “modernized“ traditional dishes from the good old days also fit the young & trendy cuisine.

The taste from childhood – each of us remembers such a holy, nostalgic moment of culinary feast from back then. Lucky enough now that the traditional German cuisine has returned into the focus of gourmets and of those who create culinary delight. Moreover, the treats of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s are experiencing a remake: Creatively combined with culinary pulls from all over the world and refined with a major pinch of lightness, the new German cuisine constitutes a manifold playground for your ideas and for your interpretations.

The modern cuisine always combines delight with sustainability. Both a regional focus and a seasonal focus rank top with gourmets: We are recalling the good which could not be any closer by! As a logic consequence, we virtually automatically run into long-forgotten ingredients and into outmoded recipes which were commonplace in grandmother´s heyday. And even more: The modern gourmet cuisine combines juvenile “cheekiness“ with the craftsmanship and authenticity of former times – retro-futuristic, creative, self-confident!

Homestyle Burger
Rústico y artesanal: la textura tan suave y la forma irregular le dan aspecto inconfundible de comida casera. iPuro disfrute carnívoro de calidad suprema!
- Aspecto totalmente casero
- 100 % ternera
- Textura granulosa, suave y jugosa

Beer Battered Onion Rings Thin Cut
“El señor de los anillos”: cortados muy finos de la cebolla entera, con masa hecha con cerveza. El cocinado les quita el sabor amargo y junto con la cerveza (9 %), surge así el dulzor picante de este producto ya precocinado.
- Superventas en productos con presentación casera
- Extradelgados y mas unidades por ración
- Cubierta crujiente de masa con cerveza

Primo Mozzarella Sticks
Un clásico con extra de queso: palitos superlargos de mozzarella con un rebozado crujiente. Con delicado toque a mantequilla, algo de ajo y sabrosas hierbas. Precocinado.
- iEl original!
- Extralargos, supercrujientes
- Ligero toque a ajo